How to tell if the power outage is only for your apartment or a wider area

Had a 10-minutes power failure the other day. In this situation, after a couple of minutes, you probably want to find out if the power outage is just your apartment (which means you have to do something about it) or other people as well (which means someone else has already called it in).

It was around lunchtime and the sun was shining, so I couldn’t tell just by looking outside. Of course I could’ve exited my apartment and checked the lights in the stairway but being lazy I figured there was a quicker way. Indeed there was. Take your phone and browse for Wi-Fi connections 🙂 Unless you have lots of crazy survivalist neighbors that have a UPS, if the power outage is widespread you will notice that all the usual hotspots around you are gone. Which means you can relax and not worry about fixing your fuses/breakers.

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One thought on “How to tell if the power outage is only for your apartment or a wider area

  1. I have my local Energy provider on a bookmark. If turning on mobile data and opening the bookmark doesn’t work, then much beyond your control is down. Relax.

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